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Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT Bumi Nickel Morowali Januari 2025

LokerIni.com (Lowongan Kerja SMA SMK D3 S1 Terbaru Januari 2025) - Di dunia kerja yang kompetitif, aktif mengembangkan kompetensi dan keterampilan itu penting banget biar kamu bisa bersaing dengan kandidat lain. Banyak orang gagal dalam mencari pekerjaan bukan karena mereka nggak pintar, tapi karena kurangnya persiapan. Tanpa persiapan yang matang, kemampuan terbaik pun jadi sia-sia.

Jangan pernah meremehkan proses persiapan, mulai dari meningkatkan skill, memperbarui CV, hingga memahami seluk-beluk posisi yang kamu incar. Jadikan dirimu sebagai kandidat yang standout dengan terus belajar dan memotivasi diri untuk jadi lebih baik. Jangan tunggu sampai gagal dulu baru sadar pentingnya pengembangan diri lakukan dari sekarang.

Tujuan utama dari bekerja memang untuk mendapatkan penghasilan dan memenuhi kebutuhan hidup sehari-hari, tapi bukan cuma soal gaji besar. Yang lebih penting adalah menemukan pekerjaan yang bikin kamu nyaman, bahagia, dan merasa puas saat menjalani tugas-tugas yang diberikan. Percuma punya gaji tinggi kalau setiap hari kamu merasa tertekan dan nggak betah di lingkungan kerja.

Gaji yang besar tentu jadi bonus, tapi kunci utamanya ada di bagaimana kamu bisa menikmati setiap proses pekerjaan dan bertanggung jawab penuh pada tugasmu. Ketika kinerjamu baik dan kamu bisa menyelesaikan tugas dengan maksimal, peluang untuk naik level, baik dari segi jabatan maupun pendapatan, akan datang dengan sendirinya.

Ingat, punya tujuan yang jelas itu penting. Jangan sampai kamu bekerja atau melamar pekerjaan cuma sekadar ikut-ikutan atau coba-coba. Coba pikirkan dan susun target jangka pendek maupun panjang dalam kariermu. Dengan tujuan yang jelas, kamu akan lebih termotivasi dan semangat untuk terus maju meski dihadapkan pada berbagai tantangan.

Lowongan Kerja PT Bumi Nickel Morowali - PT. BUMI NICKEL MOROWALI adalah Kontraktor Local yang berada Didesa Bahomotefe Kecamatan Bungku Timur Kabupaten Morowali.

Perusahaan ini Berdiri Sejak Tahun 2018 dan mulai beroperasi di tahun 2023 sebagai jasa Penyedia Tenaga Kerja DI kawan PT.VI.Tbk

Saat ini PT Bumi Nickel Morowali kembali membuka lowongan kerja terbaru pada bulan Januari 2025 untuk mencari calon karyawan yang siap untuk mengisi posisi jabatan yang sedang dibutuhkan. Perusahaan akan mencari kandidat yang terbaik sesuai dengan kualifikasi dan yang cocok untuk posisi yang akan ditempatkan.

Adapun dibawah ini adalah posisi jabatan yang tersedia beserta dengan kualifikasinya saat ini bagi kamu para pencari kerja yang tertarik untuk mengembangkan karir.

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT Bumi Nickel Morowali Tahun 2025


1. Permit Officer

Permit Officer bertanggung jawab untuk memastikan organisasi mematuhi semua undang-undang, peraturan, kegiatan di Kawasan Hutan, perizinan Pembangunan Gedung/infrastruktur pendukung penambangan dan standar lingkungan yang berlaku terkait kualitas udara dan penggunaan/pembuangan air. Jabatan ini memerlukan pemahaman yang kuat tentang pengelolaan semua perizinan infrastruktur, emisi udara dan peraturan sumber daya air. Petugas akan mengelola izin, memantau dampak lingkungan, dan memastikan kepatuhan terhadap semua persyaratan teknis untuk izin hutan, tanah, udara dan air.

Accountabilities :
  • Menyiapkan, mengajukan, dan mengelola aplikasi untuk izin penggunaan Kawasan hutan, Pembangunan infrastruktur, kualitas udara dan penggunaan/pembuangan air ke badan regulasi terkait.
  • Memastikan semua operasi perusahaan mematuhi ketentuan yang diuraikan dalam izin penggunaan Kawasan hutan, infrastruktur, udara dan air, termasuk batas emisi, batas penarikan air, dan standar kualitas pembuangan.
  • Melacak tanggal kedaluwarsa izin dan memastikan pembaruan atau amandemen tepat waktu saat terjadi perubahan operasional.
  • Menerapkan program pemantauan udara untuk melacak polutan yang diatur seperti SOX, NOx, C02, dan partikel.
  • Menyiapkan laporan emisi rutin, memastikan bahwa laporan tersebut memenuhi standar yang ditetapkan Oleh badan regulasi.
  • Mengelola izin ekstraksi air untuk air permukaan dan sumur dalam, memastikan kepatuhan terhadap batas penarikan dan tindakan konservasi.
  • Memastikan air limbah diolah untuk memenuhi standar pembuangan yang diatur.
  • Memantau kualitas limbah dan volume pembuangan untuk memastikan kepatuhan terhadap izin.
  • Memperoleh persetujuan teknis yang diperlukan untuk infrastruktur Gedung, ekstraksi air dan pembuangan air limbah (misalnya, sumur, struktur intake, saluran pembuangan).
  • Tetap mengikuti perkembangan peraturan lingkungan lokal, regional, dan nasional terkait penggunaan Kawasan hutan, Pembangunan infrastructure, kualitas udara dan penggunaan air, termasuk yang ditetapkan Oleh Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan serta Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat.

Persyaratan Teknis :
  • Minimal 1 tahun pengalaman dalam perizinan hutan, tanah, udara dan air, kepatuhan lingkungan, atau bidang terkait. Pengalaman dalam industri seperti pertambangan, energi, atau manufaktur lebih diutamakan.
  • Pengetahuan Regulasi: Pemahaman yang kuat tentang regulasi pengelolaan hutan, kualitas udara dan sumber daya air, termasuk undang-undang tentang kehutanan, Pembangunan Gedung, emisi, ekstraksi air, dan pembuangan.
  • Keahlian Teknis: Familiar dengan teknologi pengendalian emisi udara (misalnya, scrubber, filter) dan proses pengolahan air limbah.
  • Keterampilan Analisis: Kemampuan menganalisis data emisi dan kualitas air, mendeteksi tren, dan mengidentifikasi masalah kepatuhan.
  • Keterampilan Komunikasi: Komunikasi tertulis dan lisan yang kuat untuk menyiapkan laporan dan terlibat dengan lembaga regulasi.
  • Manajemen Proyek: Kemampuan mengelola beberapa izin, pembaruan, dan proyek kepatuhan secara bersamaan.
  • Keterampilan Komputer: Ms office (Word, Excel, Power Point)

Persyaratan Latar Belakang :
  • Pendidikan Minimum Sarjana dalam Ilmu Lingkungan, Teknik Lingkungan, Teknik Kimia, Teknik Pertambangan, Teknik Sipil, Hukum atau bidang terkait.
  • Pengalaman kerja minimal 12 bulan dibidang terkait

2. Senior Electrical Engineer

The purpose of this role is to provide technical support for PTVls project team during the project implementation phase i.e. development studies, detail engineering design, construction, installation, commissioning and close out phases. The above-mentioned technical support will be but not limited to technical verification, clarification, document review, quality check and validation with the aim of providing views or input from technical perspective in decision making. Ensure by checking, one or more electrical design by JV partner or its proxy have been done correctly and meet proper engineering standard. And then field validating that all proper design made during DED are correctly implemented in installation phase.

Accountabilities :

Provide electrical engineering works by prioritizing EHS principles. Co-working with JV partner, their consultant, technology provider to review their report, calculation or other deliverables document and give them feedback as represent PT Vale Indonesia requirement and interest. Do technical assistant and problem-solving during construction, installation and commissioning phase.
  • Comply to PT Vale Indonesia policies, EHS procedures, International and Indonesia engineering codes.
  • Considering enterprise sustainability policies in every decision.
  • Develop design and engineering work package with supporting detail calculation available.
  • Working together with external engineering consultant or internal engineering department. Do engineering calculation or back analysis in order to check, assess or prove their design.
  • Develop technical specification for equipment/materials.
  • Develop or review project schedule and cost estimate according to engineering work package and technical specification.
  • Create material requisition for equipment & materials.
  • Review technical proposal from vendor and technical bid evaluation.
  • Compose engineering scope of work for tender purpose.
  • Provide alternatives and recommendations to engineering manager or project manager for improvement purpose.
  • Involve in review of engineering construction/installation drawings to ensure a comprehensive package is issued and constructible.
  • Perform periodic inspection to ensure the work is technically being performed in accordance with engineering work package.
  • Resolve technical issues during project execution and commissioning.
  • Responsible for the quality.
  • Carry out optimum engineering design using best current practice and be able to accept responsibility for a safe and reliable result.
  • Ensure project design is completed within the minimum necessary amount for engineering work.
  • Maintain document to ensure comprehensive record is available for subsequent reference.
  • Cooperative work with project team and communicate ideas effectively
  • Identify, develop, justify and implement cost saving initiatives in his area of responsibility.

Technical Requirements :
She or he holds an engineering degree with minimum 8 years practical design engineering experiences.
  • Leadership skills.
  • Interaction management skills (oral & written communication, motivational & human relations).
  • Extensive knowledge of engineering discipline, including but not limited to engineering design software and manual calculations.
  • Knowledgeable of Project Management principles.
  • Knowledgeable of multidiscipline engineering design
  • Knowledgeable of the Nickel Production Process — from Raw Material to Final Product and Auxiliary System
  • Knowledgeable in contract and procurement.
  • Knowledgeable in project cost estimation
  • Knowledgeable in ESG.
  • Knowledgeable in safety system.
  • Computer & Internet literate.
  • Knowledgeable of Management of Change,
  • Knowledge in applicable laws, company standards and policies.
  • Knowledge of applicable engineering design standards, national and international standards.
  • English language skills.

Qualifications :
  • Minimum Education : Bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering.
  • Certification : IPM, AK3L.

3. Senior Instrument Engineer

The purpose of this role is to provide technical support for PTVIs project team during the project implementation phase i.e. development studies, detail engineering design, construction, installation, commissioning and close out phases. The above-mentioned technical support will be but not limited to technical verification, clarification, document review, quality check and validation with the aim of providing views or input from technical perspective in decision making. Ensure by checking, one or more instrument design by JV partner or its proxy have been done correctly and meet proper engineering standard. And then field validating that all proper design made during DED are correctly implemented in installation phase”.

Accountabilities :
Provide instrument engineering works by prioritizing EHS principles. Co-working with JV partner, their consultant, technology provider to review their report, calculation or other deliverables document and give them feedback as represent PT Vale Indonesia requirement and interest. Do technical assistant and problem-solving during construction, installation and commissioning phase.
  • Comply to PT Vale Indonesia policies, EHS procedures, International and Indonesia engineering codes.
  • Considering enterprise sustainability policies in every decision.
  • Develop design and engineering work package with supporting detail calculation available.
  • Working together with external engineering consultant or internal engineering department. Do engineering calculation or back analysis in order to check, assess or prove their design.
  • Develop technical specification for equipment/materials.
  • Develop or review project schedule and cost estimate according to engineering work package and technical specification.
  • Create material requisition for equipment & materials.
  • Review technical proposal from vendor and technical bid evaluation.
  • Compose engineering scope of work for tender purpose.
  • Provide alternatives and recommendations to engineering manager or project manager for improvement purpose.
  • Involve in review of engineering construction/installation drawings to ensure a comprehensive package is issued and constructible.
  • Perform periodic inspection to ensure the work is technically being performed in accordance with engineering work package.
  • Resolve technical issues during project execution and commissioning.
  • Responsible for the quality.
  • Carry out optimum engineering design using best current practice and be able to accept responsibility for a safe and reliable result.
  • Ensure project design is completed within the minimum necessary amount for engineering work.
  • Maintain document to ensure comprehensive record is available for subsequent reference.
  • Cooperative work with project team and communicate ideas effectively
  • Identify, develop, justify and implement cost saving initiatives in his area of responsibility.

Technical Requirements :
She or he holds an engineering degree with minimum 8 years practical design engineering experiences.
  • Leadership skills.
  • Interaction management skills (oral & written communication, motivational & human relations).
  • Extensive knowledge Of engineering discipline, including but not limited to engineering design software and manual calculations.
  • Knowledgeable Of Project Management principles.
  • Knowledgeable of multidiscipline engineering design
  • Knowledgeable of the Nickel Production Process — from Raw Material to Final Product and Auxiliary System
  • Knowledgeable in contract and procurement.
  • Knowledgeable in project cost estimation
  • Knowledgeable in ESG.
  • Knowledgeable in safety system.
  • Computer & Internet literate.
  • Knowledgeable Of Management Of Change,
  • Knowledge in applicable laws, company standards and policies.
  • Knowledge of applicable engineering design standards, national and international standards.
  • English language skills.

Requirements :
  • Minimum bachelor’s degree in instrument or electrical engineering from reputable University and recognized as professional engineer by PII.
  • Minimum Education : Bachelor’s degree in instrument or electrical engineering.
  • Certification : IPM, AK3L

4. Senior Mechanical Engineer

The purpose of this role is to provide technical support for PTVls project team during the project implementation phase i.e. development studies. detail engineering design, construction. installation, commissioning and close out phases. The above-mentioned technical support will be but not limited to technical verification. clarification, document review quality check and validation with the aim of providing views or input from technical perspective in decision making. Ensure by checking. one or more mechanical design by JV partner or its proxy have been done correctly and meet proper engineering standard. And then field validating that all proper design made during DED are correctly implemented in installation phase.

Accountabilities :
Provide mechanical engineering works by prioritizing EHS principles. Co-working with JV partner. their consultant, technology provider to review their report. calculation or other deliverables document and give them feedback as represent PT Vale Indonesia requirement and interest. DO technical assistant and problem-solving during construction, installation and commissioning phase.
  • Comply to PT Vale Indonesia policies. EHS procedures. International and Indonesia engineering codes.
  • Considering enterprise sustainability policies in every decision.
  • Develop design and engineering work package with supporting detail calculation available.
  • Working together with external engineering consultant or internal engineering department. Do engineering calculation or back analysis in order to check, assess or prove their design.
  • Develop technical specification for equipment/materials.
  • Develop or review project schedule and cost estimate according to engineering work package and technical specification.
  • Create material requisition for equipment & materials.
  • Review technical proposal from vendor and technical bid evaluation.
  • Compose engineering scope of work for tender purpose.
  • Provide alternatives and recommendations to engineering manager or project manager for improvement purpose.
  • Involve in review of engineering construction/installation drawings to ensure a comprehensive package is issued and constructible.
  • Perform periodic inspection to ensure the work is technically being performed in accordance with engineering work package.
  • Resolve technical issues during project execution and commissioning.
  • Responsible for the quality.
  • Carry out optimum engineering design using best current practice and be able to accept responsibility for a safe and reliable result.
  • Ensure project design is completed within the minimum necessary amount for engineering work.
  • Maintain document to ensure comprehensive record is available for subsequent reference.
  • Cooperative work with project team and communicate ideas effectively
  • Identify. develop. justify and implement cost saving initiatives in his area of responsibility.

Technical Requirements
She or he holds an engineering degree with minimum 8 years practical design engineering experiences.
  • Leadership skills.
  • Interaction management skills (oral & written communication, motivational & human relations).
  • Extensive knowledge of engineering discipline, including but not limited to engineering design software and manual calculations.
  • Knowledgeable of Project Management principles.
  • Knowledgeable of multidiscipline engineering design
  • Knowledgeable of the Nickel Production Process — from Raw Material to Final Product and  Auxiliary System
  • Knowledgeable in contract and procurement.
  • Knowledgeable in project cost estimation
  • Knowledgeable in ESG.
  • Knowledgeable in safety system.
  • Computer & Internet literate.
  • Knowledgeable of Management of Change.
  • Knowledge in applicable laws. company standards and policies.
  • Knowledge of applicable engineering design standards. national and international standards.
  • English language skills.

Qualifications :
  • Minimum bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from reputable University and recognized as professional engineer by PII.
  • Minimum Education : Bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering.
  • Certification : IPM

Bagi kamu yang berminat, silahkan melakukan pendaftaran secara online:
[PENDAFTARAN] Permit Officer
[PENDAFTARAN] Senior Electrical Engineer
[PENDAFTARAN] Senior Instrument Engineer
[PENDAFTARAN] Senior Mechanical Engineer


https://s.id/LokerIni ( Whatsapp )
https://t.me/lokerini ( Telegram )


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